get your mind out of the dirty drain.... sheeshh.
Wednesday's are somewhat of a pain. Because you know the week is half over and you know that this is when your week really starts to take draaaag on. Sorta like watching water boil, but different.
On Wednesday's in the "dynamic household of Trisha Love" I like to clean bathrooms.
{but honestly, I haven't done that for along time because lately I have been slack-a-lackin'}
I also clean for my neighbor on Wed, and I get super jealous because I go to her house and she doesn't have children, or pets, or dirty bedrooms, there is no Mt. Wash me and Mt. Fold me, or stains on her carpets..she also has a FULL candy jar full of chocolate {if I had that it would be gone in a new york second!}because they don't have any kids living at home anymore {and then I remember that in 7 short years I wont have any kids at home either!fingers and toes crossed that they are college bound, out of state, really far away at Stanford or Harvard!}
small tidbit: She also cooks dinner for her husband... that must be nice for him. My husband is super jealous because I havent done that lately much either! slackin'}

Mostly because lastnight we had a guest over at our house, and she went in to take a shower.
All of a sudden I remembered that I had sprinkled an entire can of COMET into that shower/bath days ago, added a little bit of water, in hopes to:
a) get the dirty scum off the sides and b) because the drain had been clogged with hair for months, I thought maybe that comet would do the job, but it didn't.
Instead our sweet little guest , who was trying to enjoy her shower {who is 13} was up, past her shin bones in green comet water when we knocked on the door to tell her the bad news. She opened the door with shampoo still in her hair and wrapped in a towel. soaking wet and bewildered.
we laughed really hard and then I went in to tackle the comet water that would not drain. {my poor guest had white powdery feet now} I took a handy dandy toothy comby thingy{this is not the technical term for this tool}and unclogged the drain of a clump of hair the size of my head. wow, that was easier than I thought!
{I told you my life is dynamic!}
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