Which is garbage day again.
last week on garbage day I woke up to hear the garbage truck coming.
Looked outside and saw the hubsters had forgot to put the cans out.
Then I ran outside in my underwear and t-shirt.
My garbage man has seen lots of angry women in the morning, in thier underwear, cursing thier husbands, Im pretty sure.
But today the cans were out early. I put them out lastnight.
Today the garbage man is going to be really mad. For alot of reasons.
- my garbage can still has some dried up maggots on it.
- it smells really bad.
- It weighs a gazillion pounds.
- and he doesnt get to see me in my underwear.
yesterday I cleaned out my fridge and freezer and pantry and had 5 bags of garbage. {children in Africa, please forgive me.} That garbage is sitting in the garage and is waiting for.... what is it waiting for? Im not sure. The Hubsters is going to have to decide what to do with that.

I've come to the conclusion that garbage is icky.
If you have garbage in your heart, you are icky.
Garbage in your spiritual life, you are icky.
Garbage in your friendships, they are icky.
Families are full of garbage, and it can be icky.
Throwing out garbage and realizing that it smells and is not good for you, is GOOD.
It cleanses the soul. Makes you feel renewed and gives you hope. For better days. Better relationships. Better hearts and spiritual lives. Better families, and it makes room for better things to be able to fill you up instead.
I love garbage day.
maybe I will just run outside in my underwear for no reason at all. :)
Please don't.. k?